Throughout my pregnancy, I had a TON of ultrasounds and 2 MRIs. There have been MANY pictures taken of Cedar prior to her arrival. Throughout all of these, doctors and ultrasound techs assured me that Cedar did not have clubfeet. Many kids with spina bifida are also born with clubfeet--just one of those things. I was relieved to find out that she did NOT have clubfeet, since that would just be one more thing to deal with. At these ultrasounds, many doctors also mentioned that she was in breech position (the entire pregnancy), and often commented on how her feet were up by her head, like she was folded in half. We all laughed at her flexibility and moved on. Regarding her breech position, doctors would often say, "Well luckily you are having a c-section, so we don't have to worry that she is breech!" That is all anyone said. When Cedar was born, we were quite shocked when we saw her feet. As you read in his account of Cedar's birth, Da...