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I'm Back!

Well, it's been a while usual.

BUT I'M BACK!  Hopefully for good this time with a lot of updates.  School is out, my shows at the Desert Star are over and now I have NO EXCUSE not to blog.  At all. 

A lot of things have been happening around here since my 20th week of pregnancy!  We're now in week 33 and here is a video update on how things have been going the past, ahem, 13 weeks:

It's easier to just have you watch that outrageously long video than to retype all of the same info here.  It all boils down to the fact that I am in the last few weeks of my pregnancy and overall things have been going great.  Here is a really crappy photo of me this week at 33 weeks pregnant:

I seriously don't know why I'm always wearing horizontal stripes while pregnant.  I'm pretty sure this is a common knowledge no-no.  Still, I just don't care.  Maybe if I was fat EVERYWHERE and not just in my stomach area this would be a different story.  At least this is what I tell myself to make me feel better.

In regards to other aspects of Faulk Family life, here are a few other updates of things that have been going on:

1. I have been performing in Less Miserables (yes, I spelled that correctly), a spoof on Les Miserables, at the Desert Star Playhouse

I played Madame Thenardier and here a few incredibly attractive photos of that gig:

It was a blast to be able to do this show, even while pregnant.  When we started rehearsing you couldn't even tell I was pregnant, and the costumes were made to "expand," shall we say, WITH me as the weeks went on.  We performed from the end of March through June 8--quite a long run.  I finished at 33 weeks pregnant and I've got to say that was just the right time to be done.  Doing a kick line on top of everything else multiple nights a week was getting a little tough at the end there.  Still, it made the time go by faster and was great exercise.  I will NOT, however, miss the judgmental comments by old ladies after every show. "You sure do a lot of bouncing up there, hope he's OK!" "Is that belly real?"  "How far along are you?....oh my!"  They mean well.  I just always tell them that all that dancing around will make him resilient.  Anyway, I probably won't be able to do a show for a while, so this was my last hurrah.

2. I finished school!

As many of you know, I teach drama at Kearns High School and we are OUT for the summer!  We finished off our season with You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown which is a really fun musical.  Here is a pic I put up on Instagram of some of our production elements:

 We took some awesome production photos, but I don't have those loaded onto this computer yet.  The show turned out super cute.  And finally...graduation!!  Happiest day ever:

For fourth quarter I taught credit recovery class which boils down to me shoving tests at students who need to take them in order to make up all the credits they failed during high school in a last-ditch effort to make them graduate.  I don't necessarily agree with the entire philosophy behind it, but it did feel good to see many of my students up there, especially knowing that without me they would NOT be graduating.  Now that school is out my days are filled with reading, Netflix, and laying by the pool.  Not too bad, I'd say.

3. My sister Kristy got married!

Umm...hello handsome!
The wedding was beautiful and it was such a happy day to see my sister get married to such an awesome guy.  Nick is a handsome, musical theatre-loving, piano-playing, singing, pediatric oncologist.  Need I say more?  We are so happy to have him join the family. 
The only sad part was that our other sister Kimberly (Kristy's twin) wasn't there to join us.  She is serving a mission for the LDS church in Arizona:

Isn't she cute?

4. Daniel got his Masters Degree!

My hubby is now a Master of Science in Geographic Information Science (or so says Denver University).  I am SO PROUD OF HIM!  It has been a long 3 years.  We decided at the beginning that we'd rather grad school take longer but then have little or no student loan debt than to go full time and have to pay it all off later.  So, Daniel has faithfully taken just one class at a time, slowly but surely, so that we would have time during each class to save up for the next one.  It was really hard to watch our savings build up and then suddenly be taken away 4 times a year.  So, we don't have much saved right now, but we are DEBT FREE (minus one vehicle).  To us the sacrifice was worth it.  Now we can start saving for a house!  I got Daniel a University of Denver Alumni t-shirt and I'll upload a picture of him wearing it soon!  And just as an update, Daniel is still working for Williams Gas!

I think that is about it for the Faulks right now.  I'm seriously going to be better about blogging (honestly, somebody please hold me to this!).  It's like exercising.  I always feel better after I do it, but MAN is it hard to get me there in the first place! 


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